ALP Names Volunteers of the Quarter

VOLUNTEERS OF THE QUARTER | Q2 2023 - October 1, 2023 - December 31, 2023

In October 2023, the Association of Leadership Programs announced a new recognition program for our volunteers. ALP will accept nominations each quarter and select four Volunteers of the Quarter. At the year's culmination, a Volunteer of the Year will be chosen by a special committee and recognized annually at the ALP National Conference. This recognition program will run on a July 1 – June 30 cycle. 

Join us in celebrating our Q2 2023 - 2024 Volunteers of the Quarter! We're honored to be able to recognize these dedicated Association of Leadership Programs volunteers who work tirelessly to enhance the impact of Community Leadership Programs around the nation.

Michael Bennett, Cleveland Leadership Center
Michael is the Vice President of External Affairs for the Cleveland Leadership Center in Cleveland, Ohio. He has been an active member of ALP for many years and currently serves as the Development Affinity Group Champion. 

Nicole Bryan, Leadership Jacksonville
Nicole serves as the Programs Director at Leadership Jacksonville in Jacksonville, Florida. Nicole has been an active member of ALP for many years and is currently the Champion for the Flagship Programs Affinity Group.  

Jan Kearce, Maine Development Foundation
Jan is the Senior Team Leader, Leadership and Workforce Development for the Maine Development Foundation, based in Hallowell, Maine. Jane is the leader of the ALP Statewide Programs Affinity Group and a dedicated member of the ALP National Conference Planning Committee. She also currently serves on the ALP Board of Directors. 

Kristin Zosa Puleo, Leadership Rhode Island
Kristin is the Director of Development and Alumni Engagement at Leadership Rhode Island in Providence, Rhode Island. Kristin has been a dedicated National Conference Planning Committee team member, helping to identify new sponsorship opportunities for the 2024 ALP National Conference.